New Bill Seeks To Overturn U.S. CBD Dietary Supplement Marketing Ban
Chair of the USA's House Agriculture Committee Collin Peterson has sponsored a bipartisan bill that would enable the FDA to allow marketing of hemp-derived...
CBD’s Anti-Inflammatory Action Unveiled
It's been known for some time a number of cannabinoids found in cannabis have anti-inflammatory properties. What hasn't been very clear is how this...
Report: Time For The UK To Capitalise On Medical Cannabis
With tweaking of regulations and policies, the UK could become a medical cannabis powerhouse supporting tens of thousands of jobs states a new report.Volteface...
Hundreds Of Cannabusiness Applicants Really Pissed-Off With Missouri
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is facing an onslaught of complaints over how medical marijuana licences were issued.DHSS finalised its review...