The United Nations' Commission on Narcotic Drugs last week decided to put off an important vote on scheduling recommendations related to cannabis. It decided to instead vote at its reconvened sixty-third session in December 2020, "in order to preserve the integrity of the international scheduling system". It seems some delegations...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has provided an update to Congress on where it's at on evaluation of cannabidiol (CBD) products. It still has plenty of questions. The agency says it is still concerned by the fact some Americans mistakenly believe CBD products generally have been evaluated to be...
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is facing an onslaught of complaints over how medical marijuana licences were issued. DHSS finalised its review of medical marijuana cultivation applications in December last year after receiving thousands of applicationsĀ  for cultivation, dispensary, manufacturing and testing laboratory licenses by the August...
The Ohio Department of Agriculture Hemp Program has begun accepting license applications from prospective cultivators and processors for this year's growing season. Around this time a year ago, Ohio was one of only nine U.S states left to enact hemp legislation allowing its production. Then in August last year Governor...
UK patients being prescribed cannabis-based medicines should start seeing improvements in availability of imported products soon. Most cannabis medicines used in the UK are imported. The red tape involved with getting them into the country means it can take extended periods before they wind up in the hands of patients....
A preliminary study to be presented at an upcoming American Academy of Neurology conference claims teens with epilepsy treated with pharmaceutical CBD fared better than those using "artisanal" cannabidiol. "Artisanal" refers to a product made in a traditional or non-mechanized way. Artisanal cannabidiol is manufactured outside of what would be...
A couple of changes to the USDA's interim hemp rule have been largely welcomed by farmers and hemp states. Hemp that tests greater than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis is considered to be marijuana and therefore illegal at the USA federal level, but the term commonly used for...
The government of the Australian state of Western Australia is backing a research project delving into hemp's potential as a feed source for sheep. Australia is a land of drought and flooding rains, with the former more common - and increasingly so. During the current drought that has impacted much...
Hempcrete's reputation for fire resistance just received a lift in the USA after formal testing was carried out. Hempcrete has traditionally been made using a combination of hemp hurd (the woody core of the hemp plant), lime and water in various proportions and has been used for centuries in construction....
A report claims a cannabidiol (CBD) based product for pets sickened one dog and resulted in the death of another in the USA. WRDW says a sales representative gave the dogs' owner a complimentary bag of calming treats containing "5 milligrams of full spectrum hemp" in each treat. A treat...