Another US state has given the green light for a revived industrial hemp sector.Legislation in North Carolina now authorizes an industrial hemp pilot program in the state and establishes the Industrial Hemp Commission (IHC); which will create rules and regulations for the sector."The General Assembly finds and declares that...
The Australian states of New South Wales and Queensland are moving ahead with medical marijuana trials.New South Wales' Government and the UK's GW Pharmaceuticals have inked an agreement for a research program using medicinal cannabis to treat children with drug-resistant epilepsy.The deal is part of a $21 million funding...
Earlier today, a bill to allow the cultivation of industrial hemp in Pennsylvania was unanimously supported by the state's Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee.Senator Judy Schwank’s proposal (Senate Bill 50) would enable the growing and processing of industrial hemp as part of a research program at a college...
91% Australian support the legalisation of marijuana for medicinal purposes according to a recent Roy Morgan telephone survey.The poll revealed just 7% are against legalisation, with 2% undecided.Support was widespread, regardless of gender, age group, states of residence and political affiliation. Interestingly, the highest amount of support was among...
The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin is outraged by the actions of agents from the USA's Drug Enforcement Agency who have reportedly destroyed the Tribe's industrial hemp crop.The Tribe says its industrial hemp crop was always intended to be a legal crop as permitted by the 2014 Farm Bill....
US company Renew Sports Cars designs and builds what it calls "ultra-low carbon footprint" (ULCF) sports cars featuring bodies made with industrial hemp.Renew has revived the 1950's and 60's era of rolling art cars with a range of industrial hemp bodied vehicles with petrol or electric engine options up...
The finalists for the 2016 NSW Australian of the Year Awards include Lucy Haslam, who has been campaigning tirelessly to see medicinal cannabis legalized for terminally ill people in New South Wales.Ms. Haslam, a former nurse, began her campaign after her son Dan was diagnosed with bowel cancer at...
Deacons, reverends, rabbis, pastors and other Pennsylvania clergy members have put their names to a document urging lawmakers in the state to legalize medical marijuana.More than 50 clergy members have signed a statement supporting medicinal cannabis, with a representative group holding a press conference outside of the Lt. Governor's...
New industrial hemp laws in Tasmania, Australia will help the industry grow more rapidly in the state.Last Thursday, both houses of Parliament passed legislation that removes regulatory burden and will promote investment and job creation in Tasmania's industrial hemp sector.The Industrial Hemp Bill provides recognition that hemp is an...
A Crohn's Disease sufferer has been convicted in a New Zealand court and sentenced to six months' supervision for using cannabis to relieve his symptoms.While the man had legal access to morphine, indicating the serious nature of his condition, he found cannabis more effective in treating his symptoms according...