The Northern Territory government has planted what's believed to be its first crop of industrial hemp.According to an ABC report, the crop was planted at Katherine Research Station, the headquarters for the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries in the Katherine region.Located 4 km east of Katherine on the...
Marijuana use has been linked with lower short-term risks of death and shock among patients admitted for acute MI (myocardial infarction - heart attack) according to University of Colorado Denver research.It needs to make really clear from the outset that it's not being suggested that people should start using...
Children in the Australian state of Victoria who have severe, drug-resistant epilepsy may have access to cannabis-based medications as early as next year.Earlier today, the Victorian State Government announced a $28.5 million package that will help to establish  the Office of Medicinal Cannabis and an Independent Medical Advisory Committee.The...
Pennsylvania has become the 24th US state to legalize medical marijuana after Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3 earlier today. But there's a catch.“I am proud to sign this bill that will provide long overdue medical relief to patients and families who could benefit from this treatment," said Governor...
"Putting patients before politics," is a slogan of a new charity in New Zealand raising awareness of medicinal cannabis and helping patients access it.As we mentioned last week, the only pharmaceutical grade cannabis medication approved for use in New Zealand currently is Sativex - and it's expensive stuff. Only...
Australia's Acting Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, has opened the nation's first medicinal cannabis farm; situated near Tamworth in New South Wales. The project is being run by respected medical marijuana campaigners, Lucy and Lou Haslam.The farm has been named DanEden; after the Haslam's son, Dan. With the assistance of his...
Victoria's legalising of medicinal cannabis has given efforts in other states added momentum and created an exchange of barbs between political parties.As we reported yesterday, new legislation in Victoria now permits the cultivation and manufacture of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Some children with severe epilepsy will be the first...
The Australian state of Victoria has legalised access to medical cannabis - but it will only be available in exceptional circumstances (for now) and not right away.The Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015, introduced in December last year, passed state Parliament yesterday, paving the way for children with severe...
Results just released from another poll indicate nearly three quarters of New Zealanders support medical cannabis.A ONE News Colmar Brunton poll posed the question: "Do you support or oppose the use of marijuana for medical purposes?"Seventy-three per cent of respondents said they supported medical marijuana use, 21...
Cannabis, or components of it, could potentially play a role in treating male infertility; but it's a double-edged sword.While the human race is not exactly in danger of going extinct due to reproductive issues, infertility can be a stressful issue for those afflicted and affects up to 15% of...