NSW Premier Heckled At Hemp And Medical Cannabis Expo

While a major hemp and cannabis expo in Sydney this weekend may have been a rip-roaring success; the NSW Premier may not have such...

Australian Epilepsy Patients Self-Medicating With Cannabis

Results from a recent survey indicate 14% of Australians with epilepsy have used medicinal cannabis as a treatment to combat seizures - and with...

Hundreds Of Cannabusiness Applicants Really Pissed-Off With Missouri

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is facing an onslaught of complaints over how medical marijuana licences were issued.DHSS finalised its review...

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Backs Hemp Farming Act of 2018

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer has thrown his support behind the Hemp Farming Act of 2018.The bill for the Hemp Farming Act...