A group of Australian children and young adults with severe mental health issues will be involved in a world-first medical cannabis trial.Something we'd like to state from the outset - this is not about teens getting giddy to forget their problems. The trial would involve the use of cannabidiol...
Members of South Australia's upper house met with patients, doctors and industry representatives on Friday to discuss progressing medical cannabis in the state.The forum was focused on the removal of barriers to accessing medicine - and there are still plenty of those to overcome.The forum also heard access to...
The first children in the Australian state of Victoria to gain access to medical cannabis will be provided a product imported from Canada.Twenty-nine children with very serious intractable epilepsy will receive a cannabidiol-based oral solution manufactured by Canadian company Tilray. The government says this is a stopgap measure until...
U.S. Congressman Tom Garrett has introduced legislation designed to decriminalise marijuana by taking it off the federal controlled substances list.Congressman Garrett represents Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District and while the legislation has national implications, he of course has the potential for his home state in mind."..this step allows states to...
New research indicates many chronic pain sufferers and those taking medications for treating mental health issues would rather medicate with cannabis instead of their prescribed opioids and other drugs.A study by researchers from University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria of 271 patients with prescribed medical cannabis...
The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has called for public feedback on "form and method" rules for the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program.The forms that medical cannabis will be allowed in Iowa under the proposed rules:Oil, tincture, capsule, tablet or edible form Metered oil or solid preparation...
The South Australian Government has announced it will support legislation to legalise hemp cultivation in the state for industrial applications.The low-THC cousin of the marijuana, industrial hemp has no recreational value, but can be used to make a myriad products. It also contains a non-intoxicating compound called cannabidiol that...
Australian Medical Association (AMA) President Dr Michael Gannon has commented on the Australian Government's decision to improve access to medical cannabis.Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announced earlier this week Australia will have a stockpile of imported medicinal cannabis products within a couple of months. This is to be a...
The Australian Federal Government has announced it will facilitate faster access to medical cannabis to qualifying patients.After mounting pressure from cannabis campaigners, and perhaps with the help of a bit of a nudge from Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, Health Minister Greg Hunt says Australia will have a store of...
The terminally ill and those suffering serious medical conditions will not be prosecuted for possessing medicinal marijuana if NSW Labor has their way.Legislation is being introduced to NSW Parliament by Opposition Leader Luke Foley, who wants to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of cannabis if it is being...