A mother who is a cannabis medicine caregiver and a medical marijuana company have filed a complaint against the New Mexico Department of Health.The legal action is based on the state's medicinal marijuana program apparently causing "direct and immediate harm".Under New Mexico's program, the maximum number of plants that...
Researchers at the  University of Sydney's Lambert Initiative  have announced a new study relating to the treatment of children with severe epilepsy with cannabis based medications.The program, PELICAN (Paediatric Epilepsy Lambert Initiative Cannabinoid Analysis) is being carried out in partnership with Epilepsy Action Australia.The study will consist of interviews...
A US federal appeals court has banned the Department of Justice from spending funds to prosecute medical marijuana cases in instances where no state laws have been broken.The DOJ is now in a position where it must demonstrate ten pending cases have broken medical marijuana laws in the relevant...
The State Government of Victoria in Australia has announced a medical cannabis cultivation trial is in its second phase and an Independent Medical Advisory Committee is active.In April this year, Victoria became the first Australian state to legalise access to medicinal cannabis; albeit access is only available for...
An Australian researcher leading a program studying medical uses of marijuana may have just set the proverbial cat among the pigeons.Jennifer Martin, a GP and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Newcastle, says the marijuana miracle cure is exaggerated and warns of the danger of evangelising any...
There's a lot of marijuana growing wild in Kazakhstan - but instead of destroying it, authorities are considering using it to make paper.Please note: no Borat jokes have been used in penning this article.According to the BBC, Kazakhstan's Chuy Valley is home to what's believed to be the largest...
Canadian patients authorised to use medical cannabis will be celebrating - they'll soon have the option of cultivating their own plants (in small quantities).Announced late this week, the new Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) will replace the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) from the 24th...
There are many disappointed medicinal cannabis supporters in the USA today after the nation's Drug Enforcement Administration refused to reschedule marijuana.Hopes were building that the DEA would reclassify marijuana from Schedule One to Schedule Two after an unnamed source in the DEA indicated in June it would occur this...
The removal of signatures supporting a medical cannabis initiative in Missouri means the issue may not appear on the November ballot.An initiative spearheaded by New Approach Missouri would empower state-licensed physicians in Missouri to determine who will benefit from medical cannabis. It would also allow for limited and regulated patient...
In June, we wrote that Cayman Islands Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin gave a big green light to medical cannabis and that the issue was being pursued with a sense of urgency.The Cayman News Service reports progress has been delayed, with patients waiting more than nine months for the promised...