There’s been a call for high quality randomized clinical trials to determine if anti-inflammatory benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) for heart disease can be demonstrated in a real-world setting.
While pre-clinical data may be encouraging, a recent review of existing studies has found no clinical recommendations can be made based on evidence currently available.
According to research presented at the American College of Caridiology (ACC) Latin America 2022 Together with CardioAcademic conference, CBD has show promising results in experimental models of ischemia and reperfusion lesion, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and metabolic syndrome-like conditions.
“Nonetheless, there are few indications for its use based on good clinical trials,” said Mario Esteban Zúñiga Ayala, MD, the study’s primary author.
Nine preclinical studies were included in Dr Zúñiga Ayala’s review, but no quality randomized control trials for the use of CBD in acute or chronic coronary syndromes were found after a systematic search of the PubMed database up to April 2022.
Dr Zúñiga Ayala also said the interaction of CBD with other medications often used by cardiologists, such as anticoagulation and anti-platelet drugs, is not well-known.
“If taking any other medications, try to seek a specialist on medical cannabis to advise you if you are a candidate to take CBD,” he said. “Always ask for interactions with your previously prescribed medications and do not suspend any drug prescribed by your physician.”
CBD has been spruiked as a panacea by some – good for whatever ails ya. But this certainly isn’t the case. While we’re still scratching the surface of cannabidiol’s attributes and potential indications; consumers should be wary of claims made and clinicians aware of the unreliability, purity and dosage of CBD in some products.
On a related note, research out of Washington State University last year indicates the use of medical cannabis with various prescription drugs may be accompanied by significant risk; including therapeutic effects of some medications being amplified, or their negative effects increasing. Earlier, Penn State College of Medicine researchers also found cannabinoids may have impacts on the effects of some conventional prescription drugs.