HomeNewsAustralian Hemp Forum To Focus On Building Materials

Australian Hemp Forum To Focus On Building Materials

Hemp-Connect Forum 2025, to be held June 25 – 27 in Melbourne, will highlight the growing opportunities within the hemp construction materials sector.

Organised by the Australian Hemp Council (AHC) in collaboration with the Australian Industrial Hemp Alliance (AIHA) and La Trobe University, the Forum will focus on the development of hemp based building materials including hempcrete, composite panels and insulation products.

There’s a lot to like about hemp as a building material. For example, hempcrete is a simple mixture of industrial hemp hurds (shivs), a lime-based binder and water. It’s an excellent insulator, it breathes, has low flammability, becomes stronger over time and even absorbs carbon dioxide as it cures.

Hemp insulation products offer high thermal resistance, excellent sound dampening properties and the ability to absorb a significant amount of moisture without thermal performance deterioration.

Hemp has a rapid growth cycle; and as well as construction and a myriad other products able to be made from the plant, it helps improve soil health as it grows.

In recent years, hemp building products have evolved, the range and availability is increasing and prices are decreasing. While hemp cultivation peaked in Australia in 2021 (primarily for seed) and then dropped off due to oversupply and foreign competition, local processing for fibre and hurd (the woody core inside the stalk of the hemp plant) for applications such as construction is expected to increase significantly the years ahead.

“The Hemp-Connect Forum is essential for anyone interested in exploring the economic, environmental, and practical benefits of hemp-based construction materials. This event brings together innovators and investors, positioning the hemp industry as a critical driver of sustainable building solutions,” said AHC President, Tim Schmidt.

Related investment-ready businesses will also get an opportunity to pitch their products to potential partners and investors, and selected businesses will receive expert coaching before doing so.

The event is to be held at the La Trobe Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (LISAF) in Bundoora, which is around 15 kilometres north-east of Melbourne’s Central Business District.

Tickets are already on sale, and early birds can get discounted rates. Further information about the event and booking details can be found here. For the Prospectus Pitch, interested businesses can request an application by emailing hempconnect@
australianhempcouncil.org.au. Applications are due by 6 April 2025.

Gillian Jalimnson
Gillian Jalimnson is one of Hemp Gazette's staff writers and has been with us since we kicked off in 2015. Gillian sees massive potential for cannabis in areas of health, energy, building and personal care products and is intrigued by the potential for cannabidiol (CBD) as an alternative to conventional treatments. You can contact Gillian here.

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