Industrial hemp is an incredibly useful plant, one said to have literally tens of thousands of applications.
Industrial hemp and marijuana are both types of cannabis that are very closely related, but there are some major differences between the plants and how they are generally grown.
Industrial hemp farmers tend to aim to grow the plants up, not out as is the case with medicinal cannabis – and the taller, the better when grown for fiber. This is because some of the great value of industrial hemp in fibre based applications is primarily in its stalk. Industrial hemp is also grown at quite high density.
Another very important difference is industrial hemp has very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an intoxicating compound present in much higher quantities in marijuana. Industrial hemp, legally speaking, generally has less than 1% of THC (the maximum legal level varies between jurisdiction) where plants grown as marijuana produce between 5 – 20 % THC.

Industrial hemp can grow to 5 metres high, with very long fibers. The stem is comprised of the outer “bark” or bast, sought after for textiles; and the inner material callled hurd, which is used for other applications. Another very valuable component of industrial hemp is the seed, which is technically a nut.
Industrial hemp is a very hardy plant, able to be be grown in areas where other crops will fail. It can withstand periods of drought, heat and frost and also be cultivated without pesticides or other chemicals in many instances – however, it can be subject to attack by insect pests. It doesn’t have huge water requirements or a great need for ongoing care. The plant grows quite quickly, achieving heights of 4 metres in four months.
The Many Uses Of Industrial Hemp
The plant is easy to work with and can be readily transformed into an amazing array of products and used in a multitudes of applications, including:
- stock fodder
- animal bedding
- garden mulch
- ropes and cordage
- fibreboard
- insulation
- plastics
- a form of concrete (hempcrete)
- clothing and textiles
- paper
- restoring fields depleted of nutrients
- cleaning up toxins in contaminated soils
- food for human consumption
- cooking oil
- biofuel
- medicines – particularly cannabidiol
- cosmetics and skin care
- water filters
Industrial Hemp As A Food Source
Hemp’s potential widespread adoption as food for humans is also very promising. Hemp seed has high levels of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, essential fatty acids and trace elements. Oil from hempseed, which can comprise nearly a third of the seed’s weight, makes it an ideal source for cooking oil, lighting and biofuels. Hempseed oil is also valuable as a component of personal care products such as soaps, conditioners and lotions.
Hemp As Medicine
Another very important application for hemp relating to health is a cannabinoid called cannabidiol (CBD). While industrial hemp is low in the cannabinoid THC, it can contain high levels of cannabidiol. Medicines based on CBD have the potential to be beneficial in helping to manage or treat a number of debilitating conditions, or help manage some side effects of conventional treatments.
As the plant has negligible levels of THC, this can address concerns authorities have of allowing cultivation of its high THC cousin. Hemp may also contain other therapeutically beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes, and research is ongoing (and picking up pace).
Hemp – Unfairly Targeted
Industrial hemp is one of nature’s wonders, unfairly villified due to it being associated with illicit use of marijuana.
Hemp used to be the one of the world’s most popular crops – even in the USA farmers were encouraged by the government to grow it. In 1942, the US government released a film titled “Hemp for Victory” outlining the various uses of the plant and urging the nation’s agricultural sector to cultivate as much of it as they could as part of war efforts.
Hemp’s troubles began with the powerful cotton industry, which feeling threatened by the superior crop, lobbied for its ban based pretty much on the (also unfounded) reputation its cousin. That legacy still haunts hemp today, with its cultivation banned in some countries.
The great irony of the legal mess concerning industrial hemp has been hemp products often weren’t banned in countries whereas cultivation was; meaning consumers in those countries were spending millions on importing products that could be made from locally grown hemp. Even more perplexing were situations such as in Australia, where up until late 2017 most hemp products could be imported, but not hemp seed for food. Yet, poppy seeds could still be purchased at the local supermarket.
One of the many myths about the legalising of hemp cultivation is that those growing it will be able to hide the more potent marijuana amongst it. However, the intoxicating variety needs a great deal of space and is easy to pick. The other argument about high THC marijuana pollinating hemp and creating a higher THC hemp is null and void – this simply doesn’t happen. In fact, cross pollination will result in lower-THC marijuana.
A Brighter Future For Industrial Hemp
As with medicinal cannabis, outdated legislation and thinking has been changing and industrial hemp is becoming an important crop in many countries where it was previously forbidden.
For farmers, industrial hemp can be a profitable crop potentially returning much more per acre than other more damaging crops such as soy. A well regulated hemp industry will also create jobs and help create a more environmentally friendly agricultural sector.